Eastern Standard Time +6h

EST+6 is a brand development & design practice delivering authentic world-class work, blending creativity, strategy, and bespoke processes. Our team comprises seasoned collaborators with over 15 years of collective experience spanning diverse networks, clients, and agencies of all scales across vibrant cities such as New York, London, and Barcelona.

Our international reach enables us to tailor our approach to suit the unique needs and geographical considerations of each project. We embed ourselves into our clients' teams to deeply understand their needs and culture. We believe this is the most successful way to deliver smart, crafted, and strategic solutions that can be scaled, endure time, and implemented successfully. Our partners share a conscious commitment to making a positive impact on our world, whether on a micro or macro scale. They value brand strategy and conceptual thinking, seeking unique and meaningful solutions. We invest in craft. We view design as an intellectual and collaborative journey that demands time and meticulous attention to detail.

Investing in craft. Our partners also see design as an intellectual, collaborative exercise that requires time and attention to detail.

We partner with:

Brave organizations, institutions, colleagues, or artists who consciously want to improve the world and our society. Industries of all ranges and sizes. Collaborators who see the importance and value of brand strategy and conceptual thinking to find unique and meaningful solutions. Clients who invest in craft and who see design as an intellectual, collaborative exercise that requires time and attention to detail.



Brand Platforms Brand Strategy Design Strategy Brand Audit Communication Strategy Operations Brand Identity Brand Design Systems Design Systems Brand Guidelines & Creative Toolkits Naming Brand Tone of Voice Design Implementation

Digital Product Design UX / UI Interactive Design Webflow Design & Development Editorial Design Space Design Packaging Design Motion Design Art direction Marketing Design Photography Curation


Visual Supply Company (VSCO) Ayond, Open, New York University, Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (ESCAC), Dashlane, OLEA Collection, Universal/MAP Studio.

Our team has 15+ years of experience working with other clients like Audi, Beats by Dre, Converse, Dyson, Facebook, Givenchy, Google, Guinness, Heineken, Haig Club, IKEA, Instagram, MUTHA, Nike, O2, United Masters, Sonic, The 11, Tru, Tom Ford Beauty, Volkswagen, 1/ST.



Cris Mascort Founder, Creative & Design Director New York, Barcelona Eve Bates New Business & Talent New York Clara Ongil Design Director New York Bradie Tippets Copy Director, Brand Tone of Voice London Mark Lloyd Ruck User Research, Product Strategy, UX/UI London Alice Bednarova Product & Experience Designer, Art Industry Barcelona

Playlist Studio Motion Design New York Super Keen Strategy, Design New York Martillo Studio Front-end Development Barcelona