
iOS Brand Experience

  • Interactive design
  • Design Systems
  • UX / UI
  • Design Strategy
  • Digital Product Design
  • Brand Implementation
Open iOS Brand Experience

A social space for meditation, movement, and practice.

Open first started broadcasting from San Francisco and later from Los Angeles using one-of-its-kind streaming technology. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the company's focus into a digital-first experience instead of a physical one. They launched with a web experience offering live classes while developing an iOS demo. Our first goal was to launch the iOS App. Users can experience live classes through the iOS ecosystem (iPhone and Airplay devices at first), book classes, and learn about breathwork, meditation, and yoga.

Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience

An artful guide for meditation.

Open's design strategy guides people to create an artful present together. Its design system helps users create an immersive experience for their practice. It connects people to build community and inspire through design and beautiful environments, letting people think differently about what practicing every day means. It also unlocks curiosity in anyone who chooses to have a more mindful life. Partnering with SomeDays, we developed a compelling and immersive design system that would inspire users to practice every day and guide them through the art of mindfulness. Expanding on the original identity developed by SomeDays, we defined a universal (iOS, web, and email) UI library that would facilitate a seamless experience and scale into future features and experiences.

Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience

As an initiative of the platform content strategy, we developed a series of album covers for on-demand sessions to build up the Open and Design community. Using a more graphical approach to communicate the intention for each practice, we encouraged designers and collaborators to create their own.

Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience
Open iOS Brand Experience

Full Case Study

iOS Brand Experience

Founded by Raed Kwhaja, Peter Tseng, and Manoj Dias, Open is a social space for meditation, movement, and practice that combines traditions, technology, and design to explore more significant collective presence and awareness. Open first started broadcasting from San Francisco and later from Los Angeles using one-of-its-kind streaming technology. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the company's focus into a digital-first experience instead of a physical one. They launched with a web experience offering live classes while developing an iOS demo. Our first goal was to launch the iOS App. Users can experience live classes through the iOS ecosystem (iPhone and Airplay devices at first), book classes, and learn about breathwork, meditation, and yoga. Open's design strategy is to guide people to create an artful present together. Open's design system helps users to create an immersive experience for their practice. It connects people to build community and inspire through design and beautiful environments to let people think differently about what to practice every day means. It also unlocks curiosity to anyone that chooses to have a more mindful life. Partnering with SomeDays, we develop a compelling and immersive design system that not only would inspire users to practice every day but guide them through the art of mindfulness. Expanding on the original identity, we defined a universal (iOS, web, and email) UI library that would facilitate a seamless experience and scale into future features and experiences.

EST+6 New York & Los Angeles 2020/2021

Foundry ABC Dynamo type design for Monument Monument Grotesk Regular Monument Grotesk Semi-mono

Team Raed Kwhaja (Founder, CEO) Peter Tseng (Founder, CTO) Conner Harden (designer) Cris Mascort (Head of Design) Dania Popov (iOS Software Engineer) Mathew Shehan (iOS Software Engineer) Grant Audet (Software Engineer) Dan Wu (Software Engineer) Abby Gould (VP Marketing) Steve Reinmuth (Creative Director, SomeDays) Caroline Bagley (Design Director, SomeDays) Emman Montalvan (Photographer) Albert Pedrero (Motion Design)